Barcode Econdig in pure PL/SQL
(without CIABAR32.DLL)
This is a little PL/SQL package contain some function for encode barcode for printing using barcode font. It support only EAN and CODE128, the only I use.
Supported font are ean13.ttf, code128.ttf, CIA128 family and CIA EAN family.
Remeber! CIA font are protected by copyright , uses it only you bought them and you cannot use CIABAR32.dll.
Thanks to grandzebu for some pieces of code.
Your comments, corrections and suggestions are always welcome.
Downlaod Souce code
venerdì 18 luglio 2014
lunedì 14 luglio 2014
AS_PDF3_V5 new features
AS_PDF3_V5 new features
Hello everyone, a few days ago I posted the SQL for create PDF document directly from PL/SQL, based on original package by Anton Scheffer.Now I've added some new features (version 3.5.2):
- Procedure query2table now accept CLOB query fields, treat this as images and locate it into array of cells, using horizontal and vertical alignment and risizing if specified.
- New procedere query2labels that work like query2table but dispose record into multiple columns and rows. The scope is to create sheets with the same label with different contents like a mailing list.
- Begin of multilanguage errore messages (English or Italian).
- Added offsetY parameter to columns format type, it works like offsetX, but obviously acts on the ordered. Used in combination with cellRow and tRowHeight, allows the positioning of each individual field in an independent manner.
- Added a simplified call to query2table and query2label whit colors parameter as a simpliest list of hex rgb colors comma separated,
for example '000000,e0ffff,000000,000000,ffffff,000000,000000,d0d0d0,000000' .
2016-05-11. bugfix on callingh query2table with p_color parameter set to null
2016-09-06 bugfix in recursive call of write (for text on multiple lines)
Download Ultima versione ( Example Documentation Github
AS_PDF3_V5 nuove funzionalità
Salve a tutti, qualche giorno fa ho postato il codice SQL per creare documenti PDF direttamente da PL/SQL, basato sul package originale di Anton Scheffer.Ora ho aggiunto alcune nuove funzionalià:
- Procedure query2table: ora la query acetta campi CLOB, li tratta come immagini e li posiziona all'interno della griglia, con la possibilità di allineamento orizzontale, verticale e ridimensionamento se specificato.
- Nuova procedere query2labels: funziona come query2table, ma dispone i record su colonne e righe miltiple. Lo scopo è di realizare fogli di etichette un po' come farebbe un programma di mailing list per la stampa delle etichette indirizzi.
- Inizio della gestione degli errori personalizzati con messaggi in Italiano e Inglese.
- Aggiunto il parametro offsetY al record dei formati colonne, funziona come offsetX, ma ovviamente agisce sulle ordinate. Usato in combinazione con cellRow e tRowHeight, permette di posizionare ogni singolo campo in modo indipendente.
- Aggiunta una chaimata più semplice per query2table e query2label dove il parametro dei colori è una semplice lista di colori rgb separata da virgol,
esempi: '000000,e0ffff,000000,000000,ffffff,000000,000000,d0d0d0,000000' .
2016-05-11. bugfix con parametro p_color null
2016-09-06 bugfix nelle chiamate ricorsive della procedura write (avvengono per il testo su più righe)
Come sempre commenti e correzioni saranno graditi.
Download Last version ( Esempio Documentazione Github
Change Log
** Date: 18-09-2014 Version:
** bugfix and impovement suggested by Giuseppe Polo
** +query2table added Interline parameter
** setCellFont bugfix for Header
** Date: 26-09-2014 Version:
** bugfix for recursive call of function Write
** Date: 29-09-2014 Version:
** +query2table added pFrame parameter ex: 'L=2pt; C=FF0000'
** where L=Linesize and C=rgb hex colour
** +query2table p_colors also accept CSV string of rgb colours
** +set_Language Set language for erorr messages.
** (English, Italian)
** +put_image add parameters p_cellWidth, p_cellheight
** +Columns can contain blob IMAGE
** +FullJustify Alignment for write and query2table functions
** Date: 25-11-2014 Version:
** bugfix for query with more than 200 records
** +query2table Add optional parameter p_bulk_size:=200
** +cursor2table if = 0 buffer is autodetected,
** but query runs 2 times!
** Date: 24-06-2015 Version:
** BugFix query2table Reset rowHeith when
** RowHeight Min or Exacat as specified
** Date: 30-06-2015 Version:
** BugFix PrepareRecord Fix problem with rowHeight
** Date: 26-08-2015 Version:
** BugFix colorTable Fix problem with undefined collection
** WARNING! if you change package name, propertly set g_package variabile
** Date: 14-12-2015 Version:
** Bugix in PrepareRecord
** Date: 11-05-2016 Version:
** Bugix error when calling with null colours
** colorTable changed and moved before query2Table
** query2table & query2label changed
** when calling query2table you must use empty string '' instead of null for p_colors parameter
Piombino LI, Italia
mercoledì 2 luglio 2014
as_pdv3_v5 (english)
PL/SQL package for create PDF
(versione italiana)Some time ago I found this package to create PDF documents directly from PL / SQL. During this time I added some features for the creation of reports and today I wanted to publish my work.
Your comments, bug indication, correction of english, are appreciated.
Thank to Anton Scheffer who made the original package.
Today I've added new features to the procedure query2table, now it accepts blob fields as image and insert it into cell grid, with resizing and alignment, see the NEW POST HERE.
Download my Lastest vesion and documentation Github
This example create a PDF with breaking on the first field;
it doesn't need table because it uses random data.
-- Created on 25/06/2014 by VALR declare i INTEGER; v_vFileName VARCHAR2(255); v_vOddColor VARCHAR2(6) := 'd0d0d0'; v_vHeadColor VARCHAR2(6) := 'e0ffff'; v_vOraDir VARCHAR2(50) := 'PDF'; v_vPageProc VARCHAR2(32000); r_Fmt as_pdf3_v5.tp_columns:=as_pdf3_v5.tp_columns(); v_vSQL varchar2(4000); begin v_vFileName := 'Test_as_pf3_v5.pdf'; -- Define Sheet Format as_pdf3_v5.init; as_pdf3_v5.set_page_format('A4'); as_pdf3_v5.set_page_orientation('P'); as_pdf3_v5.set_margins(30, 10, 15, 10, 'mm'); -- Define Header and Footer v_vPageProc := q'[ begin §.set_font('helvetica', 'B', 10 ); §.put_txt('mm', 5, 5, 'Valerio Rossetti'); §.put_txt('mm', 90, 5, 'Data: '); §.set_font('helvetica', 'N', 10); §.put_txt('mm', 115,5, ']'||to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yy')||q'['); §.put_txt('mm', 175,5, 'Page #PAGE_NR# of #PAGE_COUNT#'); end; ]'; as_pdf3_v5.set_page_proc(v_vPageProc); --If you use barcode font, remove comment --as_pdf3_v5.load_ttf_font('PDF', 'ean13.ttf', 'CID', TRUE); -- Define column format begin r_fmt.extend(9); i:=1; -- (riga di rottura r_fmt(i).colWidth:=25; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='cod mkt'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='L'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='B'; r_fmt(i).tFontSize:=8; r_fmt(i).tCHeight := 7; r_fmt(i).hCHeight := 7; r_fmt(i).cellRow := 1; i:=i+1;--2 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=20; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='cod_art'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='R'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='T'; --r_fmt(i).offsetX := 0; r_fmt(i).tCHeight := 7; r_fmt(i).hCHeight := 7; i:=i+1;--3 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=22; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='pz imb'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='R'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='M'; i:=i+1;--4 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=12; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='udm V'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='B'; r_fmt(i).tBorder := as_pdf3_v5.BorderType('TB'); i:=i+1;--5 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=15; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='udm Lt'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='B'; i:=i+1;--6 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=20; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='prz. vend.'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='R'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='B'; i:=i+1;--7 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=20; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='prz. cost'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='R'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='B'; i:=i+1;--8 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=16; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='margin'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='C'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='R'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='B'; r_fmt(i).tBorder := 15; i:=i+1;--9 r_fmt(i).colWidth:=150; r_fmt(i).colLabel:='product descrition'; r_fmt(i).hFontStyle:='B'; r_fmt(i).hFontSize:=10; r_fmt(i).hAlignment:='L'; r_fmt(i).hAlignVert:='T'; r_fmt(i).hCHeight := 8; r_fmt(i).tAlignment:='L'; r_fmt(i).tAlignVert:='C'; r_fmt(i).tFontSize:=8; r_fmt(i).offsetX := 0; r_fmt(i).tCHeight := 8; r_fmt(i).cellRow:=2; r_fmt(i).tBorder := as_pdf3_v5.BorderType('LRBT'); end; v_vSQL := q'[ SELECT cod_mkt, c_art, pcs_imb, udm_vend, udm_list, prz_vend, prz_vend*.8 prz_cost, prz_vend*.2 margin, description from ( SELECT case when rownum <5 then '5201001' else '5201003' end cod_mkt, rownum*1000+rownum*124 c_art, (trunc(rownum/3)+1)*4 pcs_imb, 'N' udm_vend, 'KG' udm_list, round(dbms_random.value(40,2),2) prz_vend, round(dbms_random.value(8,2),2) margin, 'ART '||to_char(rownum*1000+rownum*124) description FROM DUAL d CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 10 ) order by 1 ]'; dbms_output.put_line(v_vSQL); as_pdf3_v5.query2table(v_vSQL, r_fmt, as_pdf3_v5.tp_colors('000000',v_vHeadColor,'000000', '000000','ffffff','000000', '000000',v_vOddColor,'000000'), 15,15, 'mm',0,1 ); as_pdf3_v5.save_pdf(v_vOraDir, v_vFileName, TRUE); END;
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